The phrase “abrasive blasting” refers to finishing procedures that use high pressure to propel an abrasive stream onto a workpiece’s surface. When it comes to surface finishing, abrasive blasting is a versatile tool that may remove pollutants, change the form of a surface, and even smooth out rough spots. Each abrasive blasting application needs a distinct kind of blasting material, known as “blasting media,” to be used. Our team has put together this abrasive blasting media guide to assist you in making the best choice of material for your particular finishing operations. To avoid doubt, both “sandblasting” and “abrasive blasting” are equally the same. Typical sandblasting processes that employ traditional sand should not be used in most cases. Because sandblasting uses two times as much material as normal, it’s too expensive for most businesses When sand is broken down and breathed in, it releases silica, which has the potential to cause severe respiratory problems. Abrasive material is generally used in the process of “sandblasting” instead of sand. Glass BeadsOther materials, including steel shot or silicon carbide, are more abrasive than glass bead blasting media. A softer, brighter finish may be achieved by using this product. Stainless steel applications are a good fit for this product. In addition, glass beads may be reused several times. Aluminum OxideAluminum oxide’s greater hardness and strength distinguish it from other materials. Anti-slip surfaces and raw materials for refractories are all examples of uses for this substance. Glass, marble, granite, and steel may all be blasted using abrasive pressure blasting. Because it can etch surfaces well, it is used to get them ready for painting or coating. PlasticCleaning media made from crushed polyester, acrylic, or polyester urea is a dry thermoset cleaning medium known as plastic abrasive. A variety of toughness and particle size options are available for each. Mold washing, blasting of plastic components, or situations where the substrate material cannot be removed are typically considered to be the greatest applications for plastic media. Automotive-related industries with a high concentration of automotive-related products include aviation, marine, boating, and electronics. Silicon CarbideBlasting with silicon carbide is the best option for the toughest surface finishing jobs since silicon carbide is the most abrasive blasting material available. It comes in a variety of hues and purity levels. It is mostly used for things like blasting, lapping, polishing, and general-purpose massive blast cutting. StarblastWith low silica content, Starblast is an excellent abrasive for general-purpose blasting applications. With a low amount of dust, it’s ideal for eliminating scale and rust from steel surfaces. Visit to learn how to audtomate the abbrasive blasting process. |